Tuesday, June 10, 2008

It has been way too long since I have written. I need to do this more often! Life kind of caught up with me. Our business is doing really well. I cannot wait until I can do it full time! So far we have 6 weddings this year and have had many portrait shoots. I will attach some of our recent wedding photos. This is our new logo.... website coming soon!!! My husband is so talented =)

We celebrated our 1 year anniversary in March! They are right when they say the first year is the hardest! If you really want to know who you are inside and out GET MARRIED! I learned a LOT about who I am. God is teaching me so many lessons all the time! I'm pretty stubborn so you know it takes awhile for them to sink it but I'm learning! Patience and unconditional love are big lessons for me! Todd is such an amazing husband. He's so kind and caring. God has really blessed me with him.
2 weeks before our anniversary Todd's company sent him To Las Vegas for a company convention. They put us up at the 4 seasons in a massive suite! It was so much fun! The second and third night we stayed at the Venetian. I love the Venetian! We ate lots of good food, went to see STOMP and did lots of shopping and walking around. I won $65 on the nickel slots! That was fun. I know I'm such a big gambler! =) It was fun but also sad for me to see so many people in Vegas who were there for all the wrong reasons. It's sad to me that there are so many woman there selling their bodies for entertainment. Such is the world we live in now a days.
I'm still nannying for the boys. The oldest is 6 1/2 and the youngest is 3 1/2. They are a real handfull!! Its enough to make me want to wait awhile for our own kids. I know having my own will be much different than raising someone else's kids. I love them a lot but I know I'll love my kids the most! =) We just got back from the pool. They are napping so I get a little break! Phew!
Well I'm off for now. Even when I'm taking a break I'm usually working.... Photography editing, printing and all that is involoved in that keeps me busy a lot!! Below I will post some pics I took recently. They will be wedding, portrait and event photos. Enjoy! I will write soon!!
