Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The Book

I just made an amazing discovery and thought I should share! =) I was on facebook and saw a link to a group about this new book called... "The Book new testament." It's a magazine style bible illustrated with modern edgy photography and written in magazine style columns. This is sooo me! Such a cool thing for all of us artsy people that connect with God on an artistic level. I am definitely adding this to my christmas list!

Check it out!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Tonight I went to the Woman's Christmas dinner at Cornerstone Fellowship. It was really weird to be back there since we no longer attend Cornerstone. I was glad I went though. Meagan was so sweet and bought me a ticket. Thanks Meagan! Her table looked so gorgeous! I just got my new camera in the mail right before I left so I took it with and shot some pictures of her beautiful table!